Fully adjustable on all of the 6 flasher outputs You can program/adjust The on time period on each of the six outputs. The off time period on each of the six outputs The on time brightness on each of the six outputs. The off time dimness on each of the six outputs The flash settings are retained after the power is turned off. They are then restored the next time the unit is turned on The flash rate can be set from, 5 per second, up to 1 every 5 minutes Our LED/BULB Flasher unit can be used to perform many scenic effects at the same time Including: Tail lamps – Belisha Beacons – Advertising hordings/billboards Vehicle warning lights – Lighthouses – Fair gound lighting – Neon signs Ideal for Model Railway layouts Model Boat lighting and many other lighting effects Requires 12 volt DC power input Each of the 6 outputs can power 500ma (about 20 LED’s or 120 LED’s for the 6 channels) Remember there are 6 in flashers within this one product all of which can be programmed for a different flash style/rate Dimensions 65mm x 35mm Supplied with full instructions. Download Full Instructions (PDF File)
Programmable Flasher for LED’s and Bulbs 6 Channels HP Version
Fully adjustable on all of the 6 flasher outputs You can program/adjust The on time period on each of the six outputs. The off time period on each of the six outputs The on time brightness on each of the six outputs. The off time dimness on each of the six outputs The flash settings are retained after the power is turned off. They are then restored the next time the unit is turned on The flash rate can be set from, 5 per second, up to 1 every 5 minutes Our LED/BULB Flasher unit can be used to perform many scenic effects at the same time Including: Tail lamps – Belisha Beacons – Advertising hordings/billboards Vehicle warning lights – Lighthouses – Fair gound lighting – Neon signs Ideal for Model Railway layouts Model Boat lighting and many other lighting effects Requires 12 volt DC power input Each of the 6 outputs can power 500ma (about 20 LED’s or 120 LED’s for the 6 channels) Remember there are 6 in flashers within this one product all of which can be programmed for a different flash style/rate Dimensions 65mm x 35mm Supplied with full instructions. Download Full Instructions (PDF File)
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